Supporting people and businesses
Founded in South Africa and now operating from Brisbane Australia, Bolster Life and Business provides bespoke support solutions to facilitate growth in both individual lives and organisations.
We are all about supporting you or your business in a way that bolsters what you already have so that you or your business can move forward with confidence and momentum.
Bolster Life and Business exists to solve the critical issues facing our clients, both large and small, corporate and individual. Our unique approach is not only what differentiates us, but also what makes us successful.

Emerging from a Management Consulting environment, Bolster Life and Business, provides a unique strategy service to support your bottom line. Whether you are a large listed organisation requiring analytical support for a short period to “plug the resource gap” or a small entity not sure of how to get your business through the next growth spurt successfully, Bolster Life and Business will provide the strategic skill you require for just the length of time it takes to cross the hurdle you are facing.
Bolster Life and Business provides a range of strategic support services including:
Merger and Acquisition facilitation
Program Management
Strategy development
Post M&A integration facilitation
Commercial due diligence
- Strategic restructuring
Business Analysis support
Most recently we have facilitated a merger, four separate acquisitions and a divestment to the combined value of over R9 billion. We are also managing a complex implementation of a new International Financial Reporting Standard for a major insurer.
Coaching focuses on what you as the client want and uses the one-on-one coaching sessions to enable you to self-discover, learn and determine you own “answers”. In a coaching conversation, you determine and commit to your own goal, while allowing the coach to assist you by holding you accountable.
We are often asked what the difference is between mentoring, consulting, therapy and coaching. Unlike therapy, which delves deeply into various issues usually dealing with the past, and consulting, where the consultant gives you the answers, coaching driven by the client, is more action-oriented and focuses primarily on the present and future.

Bolster Life and Business offers a variety of coaching solutions:

Whether on a personal level or encouraged by your employer, coaching conversations have an extraordinary ability to change the way we perceive the world around us. A change of perspective encourages action, which in itself creates momentum. And once we have momentum, well anything becomes possible. This is the fundamental premise on which we grow and achieve the goals we set ourselves. Providing opportunity for everyone to have access to these critical coaching conversations is exactly what inspired Bolster Life and Business into action.
“The more an individual is involved in identifying problems, in working out and applying solutions for them and in reviewing results, the more complete and the more long-lasting the learning is. This form of self-improvement tends to bring about learning with a deeper understanding than learning that is taught.” - Bernard Redshaw

Life coaching conversations are a way to declutter your mind and focus on finding a way through and out of the challenges of everyday life - whether personal or professional. Creating the space to think through the demands of today’s world is a way of giving yourself the opportunity to overcome these same demands and focus on identifying and achieving your goals.
Whether you feel a bit confused, slightly overwhelmed, stuck with a project or goal, needing to reinvent yourself or perhaps facing a new life stage, taking on a life coach will help you to gain clarity and focus, increasing your confidence levels which harnesses inspiration. Through new ideas and ways of thinking about your life, your coach will help you into action which will inevitably lead to personal and professional growth and development.

People come to coaching for several reasons - they could be “stuck” and can’t think of what else to do to move the team / business forward; there may not be anyone at their level that they can have confidential conversations with; or they believe that if they were to change / improve something in themselves the greater business would benefit. Maybe they are ready to do something different but are not sure what that “something” is. Perhaps they are looking for a change, a different perspective, or have important goals to reach. Business coaching focuses on helping individuals go from where they are to where they want themselves and their company to be.

Every team is a collection of individuals who bring their own blend of experience, background, education, values, and styles together to form a unique team dynamic. Now put that same team under stress and the dynamic shifts again.
Team coaching is a powerful tool that brings these individuals together to develop their own skills, awareness and learning of themselves and their teammates, helping each person to become more effective, efficient and focused in the greater team setting. Whether a team is coming together for the first time or is facing changing team dynamics with new members or a new manager, or ongoing team conflict, the team coaching process allows the team to discover, clarify and own their situation, develop a plan of action to overcome any barriers and be held accountable for the results.

Bolster Life and Business utilizes many of the well known social theories in its approach to coaching and strategic support and provides focused workshops and seminars on the following social theories:
Crucial conversations
Generational theory
The Enneagram

Contact us and find how our services can benefit your company.